Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer: A Time For Resting?

Summer: A Time For Resting?
It’s easy to get caught up in the vacation part of summer and tell yourself, “I’ll just work out tomorrow.” After all you do have twice the amount of time on your hands and your schedule is generally not too busy. It’s easy to go a week or two without training or any form of physical activity. It doesn’t seem like it will hurt you because let’s face it, your friends aren’t working out so why should you?
As much as we like to hit the beach or hang out with our buddies, it’s important to remember that we are training for the start of the season. The work ethic you put into training during the summer will carry over into the season and you will be more ready that ever. However let me clarify on something: I’m not telling you to work out 6 hours a days/ 7 days a week. What I’m simply saying is, develop yourself during the summer and complete whatever the coach assigns you to full completion. If you wear yourself out too much this summer, you will be gassed out when the season starts and that's not the goal. Work on the areas you know that you have to improve on.
What do you need work on? Put your ego aside for a second and ask yourself, “What are 2-3 things I really need to work on?” After brainstorming and answering your own question (I recommend not doing this in public by the way), ask a former teammate for their honest opinion as well. Once these 2-3 things have been established, research whatever it is and read more about it. People learn things in many different ways and it may be easier to have a coach tell you what to do, but reading it allows for it to register in a part of your brain that you may have not picked up from just physical activity. Also, watch the best of the best. Learn from them and try to pick out what they’re doing and apply it. Once the summer ends and you see yourself improving, you will be that much further ahead when the season starts.
So for the rest of the summer take into account what you need to work on and work on it! You will see yourself ahead of the game when the season starts. Try to dedicate at least 3-4 days of working out. Whether it be weights, plyo's running, whatever! Just do what you can to make sure you are becoming stronger and improving yourself in the areas you need work on.

That's all I got folks. Hopefully it was somewhat inspirational and informative. The season's coming up soon so start putting in the work now!



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